Publicaties 2013
- Ceulemans J, Compernolle V, Vantyghem W and Vandekerckhove P. Self-inspection of blood establishments. ISBT Science Series 2013, 8:1-4.
- Cusack L, De Buck E, Compernolle V, Vandekerckhove P. Blood type diets lack supporting evidence: a systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr., 2013, 98(1):99-104.
- Deckmyn H, Feys H. Assays for quality control of platelets for transfusion. ISBT Science Series 2013, 8(1):221-224.
- Dieltjens T, De Buck E, Verstraeten H, Adriaenssens L, Clarysse M, Moens O, Devreker A, Bastiaen M, Claessens C, Verhelst K. Evidence-based recommendations on automated external defibrillator training for children and young people in Flanders-Belgium. Resuscitation, 2013, 84(10):1304-1309.
- Feys HB, Compernolle V. Trombotische trombocytopenische purpura, nieuwe inzichten en perspectieven. ONCO-HEMATO, 2013, 7(7):28-34.
- Feys HB, Vandekerckhove P, Compernolle V. Nitric oxide levels increase during platelet concentrate production from buffy coats, but not during storage. Transfusion 2013, 53(1):233-234.
- Malemba JJ, Mbuyi-Muamba JM, Mukaya J, Bossuyt X, Emonds MP, Deiteren K, Westhovens R, Verschueren P. The phenotype and genotype of rheumatoid arthritis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Arthritis Res Ther 2013, 15(4):R89.
- Pauwels NS, De Buck E, Compernolle V, Vandekerckhove P. Worldwide policies on haemochromatosis and blood donation: a survey among blood services. Vox Sang. 2013, 105(2):121-128.
- Roelandt P, Dobbels P, Komuta M, Corveleyn A, Emonds MP, Roskams T, Aerts R, Monbaliu D, Libbrecht L, Laleman W, Verslype C, Van Steenbergen W, van der Merwe S, Pirenne J, Nevens F, Cassiman D. Heterozygous α1-antitrypsin Z allele mutation in presumed healthy donor livers used for transplantation. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2013, 25(11):1335-1339.
- Van de Velde S, Roex A, Vangronsveld K, Niezink L, Van Praet K, Heselmans A, Donceel P, Vandekerckhove P, Ramaekers D, Aertgeerts B. Can training improve laypersons helping behavior in first aid? A randomised controlled deception trial. Emerg Med J., 2013, 30(4):292-297.
- Vandekerckhove P, Clarke MJ, De Buck E, Allen C, Kayabu B. Second evidence aid conference: prioritizing evidence in disaster aid. Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2013, 7(6):593-596