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Geef bloed of plasmaBreukers J, Horta S, Struyfs C, Spasic D, Feys HB, Geukens N, Thevissen K, Cammue BPA, Vanhoorelbeke K, Lammertyn J. “Tuning the Surface Interactions between Single Cells and an OSTE+ Microwell Array for Enhanced Single Cell Manipulation” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021 Jan 20;13(2):2316-2326
Jacquot C, Feys HB “The need for and challenges of comparing SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays” Transf Med 2020 in press
Velásquez Pereira LC, Roose E, Graça NAG, Sinkovits G, Kangro K, Joly BS, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Falter T, Von Auer C, Rossmann H, Feys HB, Reti M, Prohászka Z, Lämmle B, Voorberg J, Coppo P, Veyradier A, De Meyer SF, Männik A, Vanhoorelbeke K. “Immunogenic hotspots in the spacer domain of ADAMTS13 in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura” Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2020 Nov 10
Roose E, Schelpe AS, Tellier E, Sinkovits G, Joly BS, Dekimpe C, Kaplanski G, Le Besnerais M, Mancini I, Falter T, Von Auer C, Feys HB, Reti M, Rossmann H, Vandenbulcke A, Pareyn I, Voorberg J, Greinacher A, Benhamou Y, Deckmyn H, Fijnheer R, Prohászka Z, Peyvandi F, Lämmle B, Coppo P, De Meyer SF, Veyradier A, Vanhoorelbeke K “Open ADAMTS13, induced by antibodies, is a biomarker for subclinical immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura” Blood 2020 Jul 16;136(3):353-361
Dekimpe C, Roose E, Tersteeg C, Joly BS, Dewaele A, Horta S, Pareyn I, Vandenbulcke A, Deckmyn H, Feys HB, Tellier E, Kaplanski G, Scully M, Coppo P, De Meyer SF, Veyradier A, Vanhoorelbeke K “Anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies in immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura do not hamper ELISA-based quantification of ADAMTS13 antigen” Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2020 Jan; [Epub ahead of print]
Van Aelst B, Feys HB, Devloo R, Vandekerckhove P and Compernolle V “Microfluidic flow chambers using reconstituted blood to model hemostasis and platelet transfusion, in vitro” Journal of Visualized Experiments 2016 Mar 19;(109)
Coene J, Devreese K, Sabot B, Feys HB, Compernolle V and Vandekerckhove Ph “Paired Analysis of Plasma Proteins and Coagulant Capacity Following Treatment with Three Methods of Pathogen Reduction” Transfusion 2014 May;54(5):1321-31 (.pdf)